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We are pleased to confirm you can now order your hanging baskets or/and bedding plants by completing the below form. Please note there is a minimum order of £25 plus delivery from £10

Hanging Baskets

Size           Rattan           Moss   

14"             £32                £35   

16"             £39                £43

You can choose from mixed pastel colour or mixed bold bright colour. Your baskets will consist of a mix of the following cutting raised trailing and upright basket plants:- Geranium, Begonia, Surfina Petunias, Bacopa, Nepeta, Brachysome, fuchsia, and Lobelia

Hanging Surfina  Pots - £12

We have 5 colour options- dark blue, dark blue and white, sky blue and hot pink, magenta rim, purple.


Christmas Trees Warwick Christmas Trees Potted Christmas Trees Real Christmas Trees

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